My Version of Windows

Before I get into today’s post and photo, I’d like to ask all of my readers to send some extra special love and light to the victims and families of today’s high school shooting in Ohio.  I can only imagine how much they need our collective good thoughts and prayers. There’s one student dead and four wounded.  The shooter is in custody. I just don’t understand this kind of behavior or what motivates someone to take anothers life.  All relationships are holy ground. Maybe this will be the year, 2012, when we all get it . . . when we all can understand that each of us is an individual expression of one Universal Mind and what we do to another, we do to ourselves.  What we do to ourselves, we do to another.  I believe it works both ways.


OK, don’t let the title fool ‘ya.  This photo is one that I’ve always wanted to stop and photograph but usually there are a zillion cars behind me and it’s too hard to pull over.  So this morning when I saw no cars, I thought “now’s my chance.”

It’s a gate that really leads to nowhere (which could translate to now here, right?)  There was supposed to be a subdivision built there but it hasn’t materialized.  I just like the look of the gates with the Catalina mountains in the background.


Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

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