Those Peas Were Kind of Bitter

Once in a while I like to photograph my food and today I had an especially good lunch in a little out-of-the-way Italian place.  Italian food is one of my favorites (aren’t they all?) so I was particularly happy when I found out that’s where we were going.  The menu wasn’t huge and that also made me happy.  I think too many choices just confuses people; especially hungry people.  And did you ever notice that when you have a group around a table, almost everyone asks,”what are you having?”  I finally narrowed it down to two choices:  pasta pomodoro or tilapia.  As you can see, I chose the tilapia, cooked just like veal piccata and served on a bed of fresh spinach, accompanied by fresh pasta in olive oil and garlic.  I could have said no to the freshly grated parmesan cheese but I didn’t.  Not on your life!

Side note: you’ll notice the capers on the tilapia.  Well … when my son got out of the Army, I thought I’d make him a nice, home-cooked meal, so I prepared chicken piccata, complete with capers, etc.  He ate everything on his plate and said, “Mom, I really don’t want to hurt your feelings but those peas were kind of bitter.”  When I explained that they were capers, he laughed a huge belly laugh and told me that it would take him a while to get used to “civilian” food again.  Namaste’

“Civilian” Food



Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

8 thoughts on “Those Peas Were Kind of Bitter”

  1. Loved it, made me smile. Your food looked yummy too. Seems like you go out to lunch a lot. What’s up with that?


    1. Well, remember I once said that my idea of a great kitchen was a wall of vending machines? I was kidding about that but I still don’t like to cook, so I take advantage of every opportunity to let someone else do it. Love you tons!


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