Cherry Monday

Does anyone like RAINIER CHERRIES as much as I do?  I think I could make myself sick eating these unless someone stops me.  I found these today for $3.99/lb.  I’ve seen them as high as $6.99/lb. so color me happy!  Life is just a bowl of cherries … Rainier cherries!

I’ll try not to eat all of them today – LOL!  If I did, a stomach ache would be sure to ensue.  Namaste’

Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

14 thoughts on “Cherry Monday”

  1. Yum! I enjoyed the same over the past weekend. Yes, to many will cause a wae in your tummy. Great shot. Thanks and enjoy a few at a time.


  2. I LOVE Rainier cherries! I have eaten them until I was sick. It was great. Eat them all and then go buy more.


    1. It was a slight brightness and white vignette tweak using Smart Photo Editor. I don’t do much phone photography; most use my DSLR so if I do any post processing, it’s usually PicMonkey, Smart Photo Editor or Pixlr. Many thanks for your comments.


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