Seeing Things in a New Way

“As soon as you see things in a new way, with a perspective of gratitude and an opportunity for growth, you will be rewarded immensely” ~

Doing this 366 project has allowed me to see things in a new way.  I seem to always be looking at things and saying to myself, “I wonder what kind of shot I can get of that?”  Sometimes there just isn’t anything that comes to me, but more often than not, an idea pops into my head about what to do.  I’m grateful for that, for the creative process and the opportunity for growth that this project has brought to me.  I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything!  And I am rewarded immensely by your support and encouragement.  I guess I can’t say that enough … so thanks again!

Bouncing the light is nature’s way of giving us unique, no two alike, images.  That’s what happened when I caught the sun reflecting on our zebra painting through a paned mirror on the other side of the room. I really like how the light was playing and bringing in the reds of the setting sun’s rays.  Namaste’

Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

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