About Today

Thanksgiving is about food for lots of people.  Well, I like it, too, that’s for sure, but it’s about more for me.  I don’t want to get philosophical but it’s always a day where memories of Thanksgivings past flood my mind.  I remember all of my loved ones that have gone on to the other side and the ones still with us but living far away.  As I prayed the blessing today at the table, I felt them all with me.  I think all relationships are holy ground.  Even the Thanksgiving at my grandmother’s house when me and my sister-in-law peeled 20 lbs. of potatoes.  Back then there were 17 of us all at the table.  A lot of work yet so much fun.

I didn’t get out to take any shots today since I did all the cooking, but I did manage to get the last of the flowers in the back yard and added a slight special effect.  Hope you all who celebrate this day had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Namaste’

Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

2 thoughts on “About Today”

  1. For some reason I always remember my paternal Grandmother’s pickles on Thanksgiving….funny how some things just stand out…Hope your day was blessed in every way 🙂


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