Daily Prayer of Gratitude

Many years ago, when we first moved to the Old Pueblo, we went out to breakfast and I spied one of those free papers that hang out in front of a lot of restaurants.  It was called the Awareness Journal; a small publication, chock full of really cool articles and ads.  And, if you haven’t guessed by now, I’m an avid reader of things metaphysical.

The publisher of the Awareness Journal had a dog.  He was a black Lab and had his own “corner” where he did his “dog speak” … an article written from a dog’s perspective.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and so did our dog, Jingles.  (I read her the article each time it came out.)  It was so much fun, and I was sad when the paper shut down.

But there was one thing a contributing writer wrote that I cut out and memorized because I thought it was perfect.  Below today’s picture is A Daily Prayer of Gratitude.  Maybe you’ll find it to be a good way of expressing your own gratitude.

The image below is one of a flowering plant that’s on the patio where we moved my Mom.  She seems to be doing well there.  It’s an adjustment for her, being in a residential care home, but she’s such a trooper.  Love you, Mom!  Namaste’


Thank you, dear Creator, for this, another day of life.  Thank you for my abundant supply and for that of my family, my friends, and for all beings of all planes, dimensions and realities.  Thank you for leading us to the places that we shall go, the work that we shall do and even the dwellings we shall reside in.  Thank you for knowledge, courage, the love of the light, and the wisdom to use it wisely with our brothers and sisters.  You are my shepherd; I shall not want.  I love you, dear Creator.


Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

2 thoughts on “Daily Prayer of Gratitude”

  1. Lovely……Thank You. Let me know when you get a new puppy (maybe for Mother’s Day)..hee,hee



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