All I Got Was This T-Shirt

Hubby and I went in search of some waterfalls a while back and before we knew it, the weather turned to gray.  Soon came the rain but before we had to get back in the car (to avoid being drenched), I managed to get a couple of shots of Mr. & Mrs. Mallard.

Remember those t-shirts that read “my parents went to (fill in the blank) and all I got was this t-shirt?  Well, that’s how I felt. I wanted waterfalls but instead got ducks.  Oh well … enjoy! Namaste’

Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.




Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

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