“Light is going to win.”—Michael Beckwith

I never want to miss an opportunity to share something positive.

Pam Grout

“Don’t fight forces; use them.”― Buckminster Fuller

With all the apparent dysfunction in the news, I thought this would be a good time to point out some of the good that’s “trending,” to use a word that might have been invented by Twitter, right now.

1. We have a pope who is open and loving and actually acting like Jesus.

2. The leaders of the U.S. and Iran talked for the first time in 34 years.

3. Recent polls show 65 percent of Americans favor gay marriage. Just a few years ago, ago, 65 percent were opposed. What changed? Our consciousness is moving towards love and acceptance.

4. And there are people all over the world doing really nice things for each other like my friend, Rhonda, who left candy for her recycle collectors.

rhonda photo

Politicians may not be able to get it together quite yet, but the rest of us…

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Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

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