Therapy and the Oscars

I consider today’s photo to be a form of therapy for me.  This was taken on one of our trips to a nursery and I just loved these orchids.

Why do I need therapy?  Because I’m frustrated that I can’t seem to find answers about a life situation I find myself immersed in.  Both my mother and stepfather are close to 90 and in extremely frail condition.  My stepfather is still in a nursing home, since Dec. 5 of last year and no improvement in sight.  And then there’s Mom, whose memory is decreasing daily.

While watching a special about Robin Roberts, the GMA anchor who just underwent a bone marrow transplant, I picked up on something she said.  Her mother told her to “make her mess her message.”  The mess being her second bout with cancer and the message being that her faith, family and friends brought her through it.  I guess when you get right down to it, those three things are most important in all aspects of our lives.  I have all three.  I’m blessed in that.  And I’m positive the answers will come for me and my parents … somehow, some way.  They just will.  I trust in God for that. After writing this, I am reminded of something else that is true for me.  I don’t always have to know the “how”; just have faith in a positive outcome … for the highest and best of ALL concerned.

As for the Oscars – the Academy Awards – I don’t watch them.  I just can’t give my time and energy to something so stupid.  For the cost of only a single piece of the jewelry the celebrities wear or the cost of one couture gown, many of this nation’s hungry and homeless children could be fed.  Think about it.  Namaste’

02.24.13.orchidOrchids with a Soft Pencil effect

Just One More

OK, I promise not to bore you anymore with pictures of our snowfall, but for us it’s a big deal.  The Sonoran Desert hardly ever sees this kind of storm.  This is the last one, I promise!!!!

This shot is one of the peaks in the Catalina mountains taken this morning (my favorite range because of their granite characteristics).  The highest peak is Mt. Lemmon, stately rising to 9,157 feet.  No, I wasn’t climbing it, silly … I used a zoom lens.  I’ll probably save mountain climbing for another lifetime – LOL!  Namaste’


It Happened for Real

Well, they weren’t kidding.  It started snowing this morning around 10:30 and was a sight to behold, considering we live on the desert floor.  I’ve uploaded one of the pics below but most of them can be viewed here: Snow Day in Tucson  Namaste’


Snow Day Tomorrow?

It’s possible that we will have some of the white fluffy stuff here in Tucson tomorrow.  If we do, rest assured I’ll be out and about with my camera.  Even the weather forecast says so but if it shows 49 degrees, how can there be snow????  We’ll see … Namaste’

02.19.13.snow alert


Red Foxy

Well, as all of my readers know by now, it’s no secret that I love chocolate.  So while we were in Tubac being tourists, we just happened to find Red Fox fudge.  And since I can’t stand to NOT take pictures, I snapped this one of the box of fudge.  Hubby had some ice cream, too.  No wonder our clothes are all too tight – LOL!

Side note:  The first time I went to New Orleans, I discovered beignets and all of the other wonderful foods that punctuate that city.  I was there for a week and at the end of the week had to attend a formal dinner.  Oops!  The dress I had brought to wear was ever so snug by the time I ate my way through New Orleans.  I had to call for help to get it zipped and I’m not kidding. But I had the time of my life and never regretted having to sit through that dinner holding my stomach in.  Ha!

As you might notice in the photo, I took the liberty of changing the name to Red Foxy from Red Fox.  Just thought it was fun and I did it cause I could 🙂  Namaste’


About the Pope

I follow quite a few blogs and today when I found this, I just knew I had to re-blog it (from the Golden Age of Gaia).  This speaks volumes for me.  Namaste’



If I were pope
I’d proclaim the end of my infallibility
and banish the word sin from the doctrines of faith

I’d ask half the bishops and cardinals
to replace themselves with a thoughtful woman
and complete their ministries in a prison or homeless shelter

If I were pope
I’d pay the mystics to write poetry all day
and have their words read at the Sunday Masses
I’d pay the prophets to upload their message
in five minute videos
for youtube viewers around the world

I’d hire a thousand displaced workers
to construct a new Sistine Chapel and cover it with mirrors
instead of male images

If I were pope
I’d announce a contest
for 10 new sacraments that celebrate
peace-making, justice, and interfaith creations.

I’d send envoys to the villages
to talk about birth control
and distribute condoms wherever they are needed.

I’d establish a tuition-free college in every country
to train young students how to think
non-violently and act ethically.

If I were pope I’d convert closed churches
to housing for the needy
and meeting places for the marginal and walking wounded

I’d buy farms in rural places
and dedicate each one to organic farming
and cooperative, sustainable, community-based agriculture.

I’d convert every old Motherhouse and seminary
into a training center for spiritual activists, cultural creators
and community collaborators.

I’d auction off my skullcap, my mozetta cape and my darling red shoes
to the highest bidder and send the money to Haiti
for the construction of schools and health care centers.

I’d sell my Fisherman’s Ring on ebay
and donate the proceeds to the Gulf shrimpers.

I’d trade my red and gold embroidered fascia
(the stole with the fringes) for a villa in Tuscany
and give free spa retreats to women who’ve served the church
for five years or more.

If I were pope, I’d throw a party at the Vatican
and invite everyone who’s left the church
because they didn’t feel welcomed.

(The overflow crowd would be treated to weekends
at Italian vineyards.)

If I were pope, I’d announce my retirement,
and as my last act in office, at the final party,
I’d ordain to the priesthood any woman who was ready,
marry any gay couple who wanted my blessing,
and marry any priest, male or female.

Then I’d get in my jammies,
say a prayer of gratitude,
and crawl into bed for a much needed nap.

© Jan Phillips, excerpt from No Ordinary Time-The Rise of Spiritual Intelligence and Evolutionary Creativity

Number 440

Wow! I just haven’t looked at my blog stats lately.  But today is my 440th post.  Shezam!  When I started the 366 project at the beginning of 2012, I knew it would add up quickly.  And it sure did.  Seems that time is flying by. I didn’t realize how many posts I had done before last year either. So right now I’m reaching around to pat myself on the back 🙂

I was without my computer for a couple of days and it felt weird.  But the repair guy assures me that all is well and my hard drive is NOT dying.  Ha!  I think I’ll still find a way to back up all my photos.  I’d love to hear from you guys what you use to back up your files and photos.  I’m certainly open to suggestions.

Today’s pic is another from our visit to Tubac.  It’s a wall sculpture that I found to be particularly unique.  Namaste’


Iron Horse

When hubby’s twin sister was here visiting, we decided to go to Tubac AZ.  It’s a wonderful artist community where you can find original works of art of all genres and some really great restaurants, too. I love it there and if I was wealthy, I would buy something from every store 🙂  All of the shop owners and artists we met were so nice and helpful with information about their offerings.  If you’re ever in southern Arizona and want to spend a lovely day, Tubac is the place to go.  Just don’t do it in the summer; way too hot!

The photo is of a horse and his sidekick, complete with sombrero and guitar, that I spied along one of the streets.  This particular piece was priced at $3800. Sounds pricey but the work that went into this had to be huge.

I’ll be adding more photos from our visit there as time goes on.  Namaste’

Paper Camera

Today’s photo is of some tulips on the kitchen table that I shot with my phone, using an app called Paper Camera.  It does all kinds of cool things.  I recommend it highly if you have an android phone.  Namaste’


It Always Works Out

For a long, long time I have believed that all things work out if our intention is that they do so – for the highest good of ALL concerned.  My son just recently told me that he is being laid off.  Apparently the company he works for in Texas (which he really likes) is outsourcing the whole department that he’s in.  And on top of that, he has to move, so he’s packing up his place and filling out rental applications.  Ugh!  We all know how icky that is!  In one of his emails he said, “when it rains, it pours … all over me.  Ha!”  At least he has a good sense of humor about it and doesn’t feel like a victim.

The whole point of this is that we’ve all found ourselves facing things that just seem to come at the wrong time.  And at first glance, we can feel like the Universe is picking on us. But it really isn’t.  They’re opportunities for growth and intuitive advancement.  We just need to see them as such.

We all have the same number of hours in a day and access to all the colored pencils in the box.  Namaste’
