Day Seven of Seven


Day Seven of Seven Days of Black and White

For the last day of this project, I chose this image of Metal Man, aka Photog, aka my muse. I shot “Photog” in Tucson, where I found him standing there with his camera pointed. He’s a life-sized sculpture created from sheet metal. He and I spent many hours together. I talked; he listened. Ha! I photographed him from every angle possible, short of me lying on the hot concrete to get him from the bottom up.

I added the text to his lens because of the origin of the word IMAGINE …

mid-14c., “to form a mental image of,” from Old French imaginer “sculpt, carve, paint; decorate, embellish” (13c.), from Latin imaginari “to form a mental picture, picture to oneself, imagine” (also, in Late Latin imaginare “to form an image of, represent”), from imago “an image, a likeness,” from stem of imitari “to copy, imitate” (from PIE root *aim- “to copy”). Sense of “suppose, assume” is first recorded late 14c. Related: Imaginedimagining.

After all, isn’t that where any image comes from? The imagine-ation?

Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’



Day Six of Seven

Day Six

Day Six of Seven Days of Black and White

This has been such a fun project! Only one more day to go, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop blogging. Photography and writing feed my soul.

This particular image was taken when I was with my BFF, Patricia, when we were on one of our adventures, this time in southern CA at Venice Beach. As I look at this, I’m aware once again of the power of the ocean to make me feel humble, peaceful and serene. And the value of friendship.

Don’t you just love looking at a photograph and being instantly transported back to that time and place?

Go to the beach!

Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’



In response to today’s blog post prompt, I chose this silhouette of a saguaro cactus. When these grow in the desert, they are almost always in close proximity to a Palo Verde or Mesquite tree, as in this image.

Everyone needs a buddy, including the might Saguaro. Have a blessed and beautiful weekend!


Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

In Plain Sight

“You’ve got to see Marilyn. She’s huge!” my friend said. What???

I had just arrived in Palm Springs for a visit with my best friend. She’s like the sister I never had. As we rounded the corner, there she was … a 26 ft. statue of Marilyn. In the pose that made her famous in so many ways. I was blown away.

My friend indulged my picture taking frenzy, which allowed me to shoot Marilyn from every angle I could.

“Wow! Whoever the artist is did an amazing job with her likeness.” I’ve always been a fan of Marilyn. There was just something about her.

I’ve looked at this image many times during my blogging years but today is the first time I noticed the shadow on the wall. The lighting on her was perfect. And the shadow was in plain sight all the time. I just never noticed it until today. Hmmm … maybe I’m learning to be more observant. Hope so.

Check it out … that shadow … what does it look like to you?


Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

TBT – Vintage Bath Soap

During my 366 blog, this is the image I shot on 12/28/2012. I love the unique qualities of a vintage sign. I kept it on the side of my garden tub and was reminded daily of the giver … my daughter.

After contemplating doing a photo a day for 2018, I have decided against it. Once is enough for that kind of project. It was fun back then, but in some ways it drove me a little crazy. A little crazy? A lot crazy if the truth be told. LOL!

Best wishes for a fabulous 2018! Be blessed, my friends.


Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’



TBT – Stick Your Neck Out


On this Throwback Thursday, I chose an image of this desert tortoise.

For the simple reason that she is not afraid to stick her neck out. She has to in order to survive.

It’s the same for human beings. If we stay inside our safe shells, there is no adventure, no real joy, no opening up of our sensory channels.

Follow your passions. Act on your ideas. The world needs your positive energy now in whatever expression you choose to share with the rest of us. We are all connected.

Close your eyes. Think of what you want. Make it into a scene. Evoke all your senses. Focus on details.

You attract what you love, hate or fear. Focus on love.

Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’


TBT – Mirror


I don’t remember where I purchased this mirror, and it doesn’t matter, but when I saw it, I had to have it. I love the retro look of it and her dragonfly wings. One day I noticed the reflection on the wall of the glass flowers on my nightstand. Just had to take the shot!

The dragonfly is often seen around water, ponds or on the edge of a river or lake. It symbolizes the affinity with the realm of feelings, water being a powerful symbol for emotions and the unconscious. If the spirit of the dragonfly comes to you, you may be called to explore your emotions in a light and joyful manner.

When we were in Arizona, there was a red dragonfly that I saw several mornings in a row that landed on the gate by the pool. It was an amazing creature to watch and it let me get close enough to photograph it. Thank you!


Have a wonderful Thursday. Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

Throwback Thursday – Strength

In light of all the disasters that have taken place on our beautiful blue-green orb lately, I’m posting this image because to me it represents strength.

It’s been said (and I believe it) that what we focus on expands. Humanity has exhibited amazing strength in the aftermath of these disasters. Let’s continue to focus on that.

This image was taken when we lived in Sisters, OR and I was fascinated by the majesty and strength that the sculptor infused into his creation.


Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

Happy Trails


As the host for this year’s reunion of our Happy Trails tribe, I was facing some scheduling challenges, but it all just came together today. Woo Hoo!

Each time we’re together, it’s like no time has passed in between. Dating back to our first times in Santa Cruz (a LONG time ago), we eat too much, sometimes drink too much (what????) hahaha, we shop, laugh a lot, tell life stories, bitch about stuff, and just have a wonderful time.

And then we all ride off into the sunset with unbelievable, forever cherished memories.

The Pacific Northwest and the beach is calling us, girls.  See you soon!!!!

Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

The Only Kind of Drama I Want

Years ago when my son was visiting us in Tucson from Seattle, he named our sunsets “high drama.” I thought that was a perfect description.

(He came in the summer … what was he thinking? LOL)

This particular image was one I took that ranks near the top of my list of high drama sunsets. I probably have at least a hundred sunset images (I’m a bit of a fanatic). Of course you all knew that already, right? 🙂

The summer monsoon season in southern AZ creates dynamic energy and masterpieces in the sky. I feel grateful to have been a witness to so many.

Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’