Your Boss or Your Life?

When your boss says jump, is your response “how high?”

Isn’t it ironic that we are conditioned to accept the direction of a boss, and we all do just what they tell us no matter how hard it may be, but when faced with some financial goal of our own we buckle under the strain? If it wasn’t so sad it would be funny.

What would you do, starting tomorrow, if you had to earn an extra $10,000 per year? Would you try and impress your boss to get a promotion? Beg for a raise?


I would like to suggest you look into starting your own home business. The tax advantages alone are amazing!

Someone asked me not long ago to help her write a new resume because she was laid off after 10 years at the same company. That’s 10 years of her life she’ll never get back. I’ve been urging her for a long time to have a Plan B, but she didn’t listen. Now she’s going through filing for unemployment, the job search, the stress of interviewing, walking out of the interview hoping it went well but never really knowing. It seems like almost every company out there is firing employees. There is now a record number of people without jobs and incomes, as the reality sets in of a winter just around the corner with no money to even pay all the bills.

However, there is a growing number of people who are largely immune to these mass-firings and insane unemployment figures. A group of people who can no longer be fired. They’re creating their own economy. Imagine sending the following letter to your boss one day:

Dear Boss,

I write to inform you that due to financial circumstances completely within my control, I can no longer justify keeping you on as my employer. Effective immediately, please accept this letter as my formal resignation, as I will now commence a life of full-time freedom filled with activities and income based on my choices, not yours.

Yours sincerely,

Your Former Employee

What would your boss say to that?! You know darn well they’d be secretly jealous.

To make it happen, though, first you need to commit to it. Then you need to decide WHEN your boss gets that letter from you. If it takes you 3-5 years to be financially independent, would it be worth it? Imagine you got started 3-5 years ago. Hmmm.

Let’s be honest. If your boss were to tell you tomorrow that you would be fired in 3 years time, what would you do? Would it spur you into action? Or would you wait, filled with indecision?

You have that very option … right now. You can start your own side business part-time from home, and build up your income. Then when your side business income overtakes your job income, it’s good-bye boss!

It starts today, because when you look in the mirror come Monday morning, that’s your boss staring back at you. The only person responsible for your financial future is you.

So…what are you waiting for?

Angels Are Everywhere

Yesterday my children lost their father. There is no way I can take away their pain. If only I could, but I don’t know how.

Grief takes many forms, one of which is guilt. We ask ourselves, “Could I have said or done something differently? Could I have been more kind? Could I have said I love you more often?”

These are the kinds of questions that go through the mind right after the loss of someone you love. It happens.

At all times, but especially at a time of loss, angels step in, bringing us reminders that love is everywhere. They can take the form of friends, acquaintances, even strangers. Even in the form of grocery store clerks.

I went to pick up some food yesterday for us, in an attempt to make sure my kids kept their energy up. It’s a Mom thing I guess. While in one of the aisles, a young clerk came up to me and asked if he could help me find anything. When he saw the tears in my eyes, without hesitating he asked if I needed a hug. All I could do was nod my head. He hugged me.

At that moment, I was reminded that there are angels everywhere.

Rest in peace, Stephen. If you and I did nothing more, we brought two wonderful human beings into the world together. I know that you will find ways to look after them from the other side and I will do it from this one.


It’s been a while, dear ones, but it’s been a busy summer so far…and hot! Way too hot here in the PNW. I know, I know…not an excuse when other parts of the world are experiencing triple digits.

Business is taking off like a rocket on social media, and I’m still editing my first novel. Writing is NOT for the faint of heart 😂❤️

Well, actually writing isn’t hard. Truth be told it’s the editing. That’s when the inner critic shows up and says “Eeeww, I don’t think so.” I just want to slap her into oblivion sometimes!

I hope all is very well in your part of the world. Stay cool, be good to yourself and each other.