TBT and Halloween

I haven’t been to the blogosphere for a while but today I wanted to observe Throwback Thursday and Halloween … double duty, if you will.

These images are ones I took a few years back in Tucson. Our neighbor was a single Dad of three and each year him and the kids would go all out for Halloween. Dad would take the kids shopping and they got to choose the decorations they wanted. Then it was their job to do the decorating. I think the oldest was only 11 and he was definitely the director of their endeavors. Such cool kids!!!

I always loved to watch the magic unfold and each day as I would walk the dogs, I got to see the evolution of their front yard. They would ask me what I thought and I always gave them a round of applause for what they had done. And rightly so. It was well deserved.

Theirs was the best house on the street. I hope they’re still bringing Halloween enjoyment to the neighborhood.

Trick or Treat! Be good and be safe. Namaste’

Wild Abandon


Take your shoes off. Go outside. Feel the earth under your feet. Throw a tennis ball for your dog. Admire the trees and be thankful for the oxygen they give. Look up at the sky (not while driving … haha). Laugh uncontrollably. If there’s even the slightest chance of getting something that will make you happy, risk it.

Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, those with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground. Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world a better than you found it.

It just might be time to live with wild abandon.

Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’


Throwback Thursday – Strength

In light of all the disasters that have taken place on our beautiful blue-green orb lately, I’m posting this image because to me it represents strength.

It’s been said (and I believe it) that what we focus on expands. Humanity has exhibited amazing strength in the aftermath of these disasters. Let’s continue to focus on that.

This image was taken when we lived in Sisters, OR and I was fascinated by the majesty and strength that the sculptor infused into his creation.


Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’