Happy Haunting!

Happy Haunting, everyone!  Today is a collection of photos I’ve done this year and last year in honor of Halloween.  Just click to see them larger.  Be safe and don’t get tricked, just treated.  Happy Birthday to my Dad and hubby’s Mom, both born on this day and both departed.  We miss you and love you.  Namaste’

Spooky Is the Word of the Day

I have the coolest neighbors!  They decorated their front yard for Halloween and were gracious enough to allow me to shoot some photos of their “guests.”  These kids are so creative how they put it all together.  So here they are … the kids and some of their ghoulish guests.  Happy Day Before Halloween!  Be sure to come to my house for some treats … no tricks please 🙂 Namaste’


Say a Prayer, Send Love and Light

The east coast of the U.S. is under siege from hurricane Sandy.  Please say a prayer and send your highest light and love to all those living in that area.  Many are evacuated as this crazy storm comes ashore.  Some will be homeless and many may be without the basics, including electricity and water for weeks to come.  God bless them all.

Today’s photo is of the moon last night with some obvious Halloween embellishments.  Namaste’


All Things Autumn and Halloween

OK, folks, between now and Oct. 31, which is Halloween and my dear departed Dad’s birthday, my posts will be either whimsical Halloween, ghoulish or all about Autumn, which is my favorite season.  Stay tuned.  Today’s photo is of a decoration I have on the door.  Nothing ghoulish about this one, but just wait.  Namaste’

Birds of Prey

Today’s photo is of a couple of Harris hawks (are they really a couple?) calmly looking for their next meal.  I thought they would make a good subject for Halloween, so I added a couple of special effects.  Let the “haunting” begin.  Namaste’

Only 15 Cents!

Today’s photo is of my bathtub.  I got this bath rug a while back and decided it’s new home should be in the tub; at least until I decide to get in.  It reminds me of the old western movies where the cowboy took a bath in the boarding house and had a rather voluptuous woman pouring in the hot water.  Does anyone besides me remember those movies?


Strange Reflection

There’s a bank downtown that has the oddest angle to the front of the building … it’s at least at 45 degrees as you can see by the car coming into the driveway … and it’s mirrored.  I wonder who has to wash these windows!  Sure glad it’s not me.  I got dizzy just taking this shot.  What do you think?  Namaste.

She’s Baaaaaack!

I know you were all probably thinking I’d fallen off the face of the earth.  Well, almost, but not quite.  Back and feeling better now.  And I promise to catch up as soon as I can with likes to all of my favorite blogs and catching up with my photos.  I have them.  I just have to post them, but for today here’s a shot of my favorite wind chimes.  My husband got me these in Seattle and I have always loved them.  They’re called Seattle raindrops and made of blown glass.  I was outside with the dogs enjoying some fresh air and noticed how they reflected the landscape, and then there’s the rising partial moon on the right as an added bonus.  Speaking of the moon, did anyone notice the spectacularly huge ring around it last night?  Wow!  Namaste.

I’m glad to be back 🙂


St. Augustine

Downtown again by St. Augustine’s cathedral so I thought I’d take a couple of shots to tide you over until I get back in a few days.  I’ll be taking photos but won’t have a way to post them or read others’ blogs.  I guess I’ll have some catching up to do when I get back.  (I’ve heard that St. Augustine is the saint of saving grace).  I guess we could all use that from time to time.


Be well and stay blessed.  Namaste’

In the Garden

While visiting with my folks, I wanted to get them outside for a while so we wandered into the garden at their facility.  The weather has been so good that it’s perfect for getting them outdoors.  While out there, I spotted this garden angel, trying to peek out from the plants.  She’s so pretty but I think she might have to be moved soon as the garden is getting to be taller than she is.

Both of my parents are 89 years old.  Both use a walker and are attached to home oxygen.  They can’t go anywhere without it.  It’s very sad to see folks in this shape but we do the best we can.  They’re both losing their cognitive abilities and so it’s difficult for them to remember what we discussed even five minutes ago.  This is my first experience with this kind of thing and I’m finding it more difficult as time moves on.

During my hospice training, a registered nurse told us that 90% of people in this country will die slowly and 10% will die quickly (heart attack, car accident, stroke, etc.).  I’m opting to be part of the 10%, but not any time soon 🙂

Sorry to be discussing this, but it’s part of life.  Tomorrow will be my last post for approximately a week, give or take a day or two.  Have lots coming up on my plate but I’ll make it up before the end of this year.  Namaste’