For Education Policy, Not Much Value in ‘Value-Added’ Evaluations | Common Dreams

If the mainstream media won’t cover this, then we have to, which is why I’m reblogging this. I don’t believe for a minute that we on earth are the only life in our universe. What say you?

Yum Is An Understatement

Hubby has the best boss on the planet.  She knows what people like, that’s for sure.  Besides money, that is 🙂  Take a look at the chocolate covered strawberries that she sent to all employees for their semi-annual meeting.  A few of the recruiters (including hubby) are virtual and work at home, so yesterday these arrived and he was instructed not to open the box until today during the tele-meeting.  Do you know how hard that was for me?  Especially when I saw the box that said Shari’s Berries.

Of course, once this Pandora’s box was opened, I had to take some photos and make a collage.  Yes, they taste just as good as they look.  We feel so decadent.  Thanks, Leslie!  I don’t even work for you but am sending you a “virtual” hug right now.  Namaste’


If This Truck Could Talk

First of all, thanks SO MUCH to all of you who sent good wishes to hubby.  He is doing much, much better and we are so grateful.  No more taking anything for granted.  In fact, I even have a new app on my phone … Gratitude Journal … which gives me a prompt every day to write what I’m grateful for.  If I don’t get reminders about things, I’m so forgetful.  Maybe I could just post sticky notes on my forehead – LOL!

Today I sold one of my most popular images and I’m so pleased.  Someone from Australia purchased an art print of my  WHITE ON WHITE.

While looking for some photos today, I came across this one of an old Chevy truck that was parked in the tunnel at Alcatraz.  I took this some time ago but decided it would be fun to work on.  Oh, if this old truck could talk.  I wonder what it would say about some of the famous residents of Alcatraz, like Al Capone.  Hmmm.  Namaste’


All Hooked Up and No Place To Go

Dear Readers:

Thanks for all the well wishes for my dear hubby.  Today was spent in the E.R. finding out what was going on with his nausea and other icky symptoms.  First they said it was a stomach flu and then the final diagnosis was something else, but fortunately, nothing life threatening.  I’m not sure that they really know what’s going on, but they ruled out a lot of stuff that could have been bad so that’s good; really good.  I got a little bored sitting there so I took a shot of the stats monitor with my phone.  I think I need to get a life – LOL

We’re both grateful today … very grateful.  Namaste’


Mirror of Your Thoughts

“Reality is the mirror of your thoughts. Choose well what you put in front of the mirror.” ~ Remez Sasson


Obviously I didn’t take this picture, but I really think it says a lot.  Actually no words are needed.

Hubby isn’t feeling well so I’m making this short.  Namaste’


It’s Sprung!

That old saying “Spring has Sprung” is certainly true around the old pueblo.  Spring wildflowers abound and lots of yard plants are blooming.  I was walking the other day and decided to get some new pics for my phone.

This picture is a form of aloe vera I believe, that blooms in orange and yellow.  I’m partial to the yellow blooms.  They remind me of tiny bananas.  So pretty.  Namaste’
