Today’s Generation

Many senior citizens are living in part on a pension which most of today’s generation will never have. I was fortunate enough to work for companies in which advancement was possible, that offered benefits packages, full-time, permanent employment, all kinds of fun perks, the whole whiz-bang.

05.27.17manonbenchI never knew how good I had it. Why? Because today’s generation has none of that. They survive by their wits. And you wonder why so many are still living at home? It’s called communal living. Banding together for survival in a world designed by people who don’t care.

We nimble humans are now coming out of our burrows to survey the damage. Not only are our youth the victims of these changes. So are the sick and the aged.

It’s now our job, as the ones who’ll survive the impact of economic woes, to rebuild the world.

To rebuild it for our children (and grandchildren) in ways that they may not know about. They won’t know about benefits plans, pensions, one-job families, and the caring for the worker that we used to know. Few of them can afford to go to a chiropractor or, in some cases, even a dentist.

We may have to supply a piece of the puzzle as the last ones alive with memory of the social-safety net we had in the 50’s – 70’s.

I’m supplying my piece by showing young, middle-aged, and senior citizens how to earn more money from home, and have the safety net they need … in a life-changing way. The time is NOW!

The best part is that it’s free for the asking. More information HERE

Leap and the Net Will Appear

Hubby and I both worked at the same company for quite a few years. Then one day the corporate office told us we would have to move to Dallas. We were living in CA at the time and neither of us wanted to move, but we went on a house hunting expedition in Dallas anyway, thinking we should probably explore the available options.
While at lunch, we looked at each other and said, “What are we doing here?” Needless to say, we were really on the fence as to what to do.
The company convention started the next day and we both were on the agenda to speak so we were sitting in the front row of one of the events, right next to the Chairman of the Board. The keynote speaker, a wise woman by the name of Rosita Perez, was fantastic and gave a wonderful talk. Her message was “Don’t die with your music in you.”
Then an amazing thing happened. She looked right at us and said “If the horse is dead, get off.” Wow!
We could have played it safe and moved to Dallas but instead we both resigned the next day. We said good-bye to both incomes. Were we scared? Absolutely! But great things started to happen once we got back home. It was like a huge weight was lifted from our shoulders.
We had money saved so we were OK and then we started to get consulting gigs with people who knew us. It turned out to be so much better because we began to live life on our own terms.
The moral of the story? Listen to your heart and have faith that whatever you need will come to you at the right time. Then take action … leap and the net will appear.

Old Baggage

It seems it’s pretty easy these days to become mired in the negativity that seems to be enveloping our planet.

I’ve heard from several sources that it’s simply the cycle of time when we and our planet are evolving … meaning that we’re breaking away from old paradigms in order to bring in the new. Is there anything “simple” about it this process? Personally, I don’t think so. 05.16.17baggageYou see, we’ve all got a lot of baggage … old issues we haven’t wanted to look at and heal, old programming from our parents who meant well but handed down the programming they received from their parents, etc. The list could go on and on and some days it sure does.

Maybe it’s time to look at that old baggage for what it really is … old baggage. Ask it what it’s trying to teach us. Once we know what it is, then maybe we can drop it and get on the train feeling a little lighter. I know that I can’t do this alone so I call on God to help me shine a light on the dark places.

I really want to leave my bags at the station. How about you?

In Response

Recently I saw a video on Facebook berating people in Mississippi who, the author claimed to be stupid because they voted for President Trump. The video pinpointed people who live in poverty. There are a lot of people living in poverty in this country. In fact, all over the world. It doesn’t make them stupid. 01.06.17difference

It’s my belief that people who berate others are very insecure in who they are. It would seem that they have to make others feel bad so that they can feel better. There is no common sense or sense of decency in that.

It’s time for people to wake up. If we’re not moving forward as a species, we’re moving backwards. Life is not static.

Have a blessed and beautiful day!