TBT – Car Show

I shot this image at one of the classic car shows when I was in Tucson. There were so many fascinating models, but this one stood out for me. I’d absolutely love to drive it. Woo hoo!

And yes, the bear would have to ride shotgun …


Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’


We can choose at any moment, in any situation, to see life as a gift or something to be endured.

You might be wondering what this flower has to do with that. It’s simply a reminder that nature doesn’t see life as something to endure. It has no perception of such things.

In a recent lesson from A Course in Miracles, it says that there really are no problems…it’s only our perception of life that makes us see problems.

Let’s remember that we are all children of a loving Creator and, as such, we are all entitled to miracles.

Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

On Writing

If one of your goals is to write a book, then start writing. It doesn’t matter how good you think it is. In fact, your inner critic is gonna raise hell with you when you start writing. It’s what the human mind does. It’s gonna say “who do you think you are, trying to write a book?”

It’s gonna tell you that you need to edit as you write. Do not fall prey to that temptation. It will stop you from creating, from telling your story. You can always go back and edit later.

We are all storytellers. We all have something to say.

What if part of your legacy is to tell your story in written form? What if it’s fiction? Any good work of fiction is based on characters that are known to you, most especially you.

Even if you have no desire to write a book, write something. A short story. A poem. A letter. Keep a journal. Write a note. (Who doesn’t love getting handwritten notes)? But write! It’s good for your soul.

I used to keep handwritten journals. Lots of them. My thinking was that, after I’m gone, my kids will be able to read them. But now, with the digital age, most of my journal keeping is done on a private online app. Which means I’ll probably have to write down the password and put it in a sealed envelope to be opened after my demise.

Either way, they’ll know things about me that they didn’t know. Kinda cool.

Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’