I Had to Pass This Along

It’s always interesting to study how civilizations collapse and eras of seemingly great human ingenuity come crashing to an end. Since the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Flemming in 1928, the chemical medicine industry has promised humanity that all our ills will be cured by prescription medications. We’ve been promised that cancer, diabetes, heart disease…

via The end of chemical medicine: Superbug discovered in America that resists ALL known antibiotics… blind faith in failed pharma will soon cost you your life — Prepare for Change

Drac and Daisy

I’ve heard that a tsunami of love is enveloping our beautiful blue planet and all of its inhabitants. What does that mean exactly?

I’m not sure what it means for humans, although I’ve felt a greater peace about things recently than in the past.

So if this tsunami is true, then it explains the unlikely friendship that has developed between our dog, Daisy, and a neighbor’s cat. His name is Drac. (Could that be short for Dracula)? I’ve been meaning to ask his owner about that name.

Drac walks around the neighborhood like he owns it. I think he does.

When another of our neighbors, who isn’t really a cat person, walks to the mailbox, Drac sees her coming and gets in step with her all the way to the mailbox and back. She calls him her escort. So cute!

Drac loves Daisy and the feeling is mutual. They sniff each other, he nuzzles her, and then he follows us on our daily walk. It’s amazing to me how well they get along … I guess they’ve been hit by the tsunami. Animals know good energy when they’re around it. They know if the humans they encounter have good energy or not. Drac and Daisy get it … I’m taking my cues from them.

Drac.daisyBe good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

Succulent Horse

Yes, I know it’s been a while. I’ve been really busy with too many things to mention. Ugh!

This image is one I took the liberty of playing with. And you know me … I love to play! I used an image that I took of some succulent plants, applied a cartoon effect and used a horse overlay found in the BeFunky app. BeFunky is a very cool application for special effects on images. You can make collages, cards and all kinds of wonderful things.

I have the premium version ($24.95/yr) but you can do plenty of creative things in the free version. It’s also available as an Android app.

Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’
