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According to the stats provided by WordPress, this is my 666th post. I just didn’t want to put that number in as my title. Creepy – that whole 666 thing. Mark of the beast and all. Is it folklore? I don’t know, but I’m not taking any chances.

I came across this video posted by another blogger and I feel like it has so much merit. I, for one, am taking it to heart.

What that means for me is to unplug more. To get out with my camera more (not my phone). To go outside and have a chat with Mother Nature. To go outside and look at the sky. To just take it all in. To take a walk with my husband and my dog. To have lunch with my daughter. To have coffee with my son. To pick up the phone and call my family and friends.

Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

Just Breathe

Willie Nelson has always been a man whom I respect. I love his music … all of it.

Yes, there are a lot of other great contributors to the country music scene, but no one outshines Willie in my mind. He’s such a storyteller and, in many ways, a real messenger.

This morning as I was listening to Pandora radio, one of hisĀ songs came on that I’ve only heard a few times. I really listened to the lyrics this time.

Just breathe. Maybe that’s what we all need to do these days. Take a few minutes to just breathe.

Take good care of yourself and each other. Namaste’