In Like a Lamb

Here in sunny southern AZ, I’m finding that Spring is edging ever closer.  New plants are starting to come up all around me and I love it.  I just wish I could send it to the other parts of the country that are still knee deep in that cold, white, frozen precipitation.  They’re getting all of that, and we’re praying that the prediction of rain for us tomorrow will actually come to pass.  Go figure.

Mother Nature can be tricky sometimes but she always escorts Spring in like a lamb.  It just takes longer to get to some places.

I did manage to see this crop of yellow wildflowers and since they were on the ridge behind our house, I had to stand on my tiptoes and zoom way out to get this image.

So this is for all of my friends who are still frigid.  Don’t take that the wrong way 🙂  Namaste’


A New Star in the Night Sky

Part of the grief process for me is writing, so I am posting this today for my own catharsis.

When my brother passed away a few years ago, it just so happened that five of my closest friends were with me at my home for our annual reunion.  I was surrounded by so much love, it’s hard to describe.  So I’ll just say that it was very powerful.  I truly believe that he waited to pass until they all arrived.  One of them took me outside that night, just her and me. She pointed to a star in the sky and told me that it was him, shimmering up there to let me know he was alright now.

As of early this morning there is a new star in the sky.  His youngest daughter, Lisa, passed away, making her transition to the spiritual realms.  Now she is with both of her dads … her heavenly father and her earthly one.  No more pain or suffering for her.  Only for those she left behind.  My heart goes out to her mother and her two brothers and sister.

She will be ever so missed, but I will look up tonight into the night sky and I KNOW I will find two stars very close together, winking down at me, letting me know that they are both safe and happy.  Namaste’



Just a quick post to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you who offered prayers, love, and light to hubby’s daughter last week.  She is recovering nicely … actually more like miraculously … as they removed the ventilator on Wednesday.  Praise God!

She was pretty groggy after being medicated so heavily, but now is sounding more like herself and feeling better every day. A few days in physical therapy and she should be good as new.

While waiting for hubby at the airport, I noticed this wall sculpture and thought it was kind of cool.  Seemed like an image that spoke of gratitude to me.  Namaste’

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Love is a Game

“Love is a game that two can play and both win” – Eva Gabor

I believe she’s right.  Probably the only game where this is true.  Hubby and I had this picture taken 20 years ago for the back of our book.  It’s rather grainy because it’s a picture of a picture … I didn’t want to take it out of the frame.

Happy Valentine’s Day to my sweetheart and to all of you.  It’s easy to fall in love … staying in a healthy relationship requires being friends as well.  Love like there’s no tomorrow!  Namaste’


God’s Bag

I’m really grateful for God’s Bag.  You know the one, right?  The one where you write down what’s bothering you and you’re frustrated because there’s nothing you can personally do to fix it.  So you deposit it into God’s Bag.  That way God can fix it.

(When I put something into God’s Bag, my prayer goes like this “I can’t; you can; I think I’ll let you.  And I thank you in advance for the perfect solution in your perfect timing.”  Then I surrender, and let the Big Guy take care of the mojo 🙂

If this sounds just way too simple, take heart, dear reader.  It is simple.  I didn’t say it was easy; just simple.  The hard part is that our human brain and E.G.O. (Etching God Out) have a very hard time letting go of the problem completely; getting out of God’s way.  And by the way, surrender does NOT mean weakness.

So what do you need to put into God’s Bag?  Or Box?  Or Can?  Or Envelope?  Use whatever you have handy.  God doesn’t care what the vessel looks like.  Why should you?  Namaste’



The Pieces of Us Are Fragile

Hubby’s daughter is going through some pretty rough times right now with her health.  And, of course, it makes hubby pretty stressed.

No one ever wants to see their child in such a tenuous place.  We bring them into this world with high hopes that their lives will be filled with joy, laughter, love, peace and abundance in all forms. And when something happens to shake that for them, we are shaken as well.  It comes with the territory of being a parent.

So we ask our divine Creator to help us put the fragile pieces back into working order again.  And we have faith that our requests are being heard because after all …“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matt 6:25-27 NIV



Ride ‘Em Little Cowboy

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with the cowboy figurine my BFF sent me.  So, one day as he was just lying on the counter next to my lucky bamboo plant, I thought he needed to have a coveted place.

Hmmm … must have been mental telepathy because Ride ‘Em Little Cowboy got right up and perched himself on the plant.  And if you don’t believe me, then you’ve forgotten what it’s like to have a child’s imagination.  (I may be getting older but that doesn’t mean I have to grow up)  🙂  Namaste’
