Throwback Thursday

I almost didn’t make it under the wire for throwback Thursday. Lol!

This image is one I took at a flower show several years ago.

All of the orchids were beautiful but this one kept me coming back to look at it over and over again.

Two of my favorite colors…purple and white. Yummy.

Have a blessed and beautiful day!

Serious About the Cereus

A little play on words today. For throwback Thursday I decided to resurrect one of my older images from 2009. It’s a shot of one of the many night-blooming Peruvian Cereus flowers that grew at our home in Tucson.

Getting up early in the morning to capture images of this amazing plant was such a thrill for me. I’d walk outside and talk to it, asking for it to give me all that it had … and it did not disappoint. This is one of my all-time favorites.

Happy Thursday! Namaste’


Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of the Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.



It’s no secret that flowers can’t come into my home without being photographed. When my neighbors learned of my friend Linda’s passing, they sent over a beautiful bouquet and a lovely card. Hubby and I are blessed to know them and count them as friends, not merely neighbors.

Today’s image is of a singular bloom that started to wilt sooner than the others, so I trimmed it and placed it into this pottery piece, which has a water well with stiff wires that will make stems stand upright. I bought this piece at a street fair in Palm Springs when I was with my Happy Trails friends at one of our reunions. I’ll never forget it … it was 116 degrees that evening. But we went anyway. Yikes! We drank plenty of water (and margaritas) just to make it up and down that street. If I recall, we went into most of the stores too just for a few breaths of air conditioning.

Each time I look at this piece, I think of all of my friends and the fun we’ve always had together … no matter where we go or what we do. Namaste’


Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger

In Like a Lamb

Here in sunny southern AZ, I’m finding that Spring is edging ever closer.  New plants are starting to come up all around me and I love it.  I just wish I could send it to the other parts of the country that are still knee deep in that cold, white, frozen precipitation.  They’re getting all of that, and we’re praying that the prediction of rain for us tomorrow will actually come to pass.  Go figure.

Mother Nature can be tricky sometimes but she always escorts Spring in like a lamb.  It just takes longer to get to some places.

I did manage to see this crop of yellow wildflowers and since they were on the ridge behind our house, I had to stand on my tiptoes and zoom way out to get this image.

So this is for all of my friends who are still frigid.  Don’t take that the wrong way 🙂  Namaste’


Nothing Lasts Forever … or Do We?

While talking with a good friend this morning, I realized that my feelings about life being eternal may be questioned and that’s OK.  It’s simply what I choose to believe.  For me, it just doesn’t make sense that there would be this one life and then poof! it’s over and there’s nothing but nothingness.

As we talked over some other things, we were saying how most people live in the past and I think that’s true.  I’ve spent a good portion of my time there.  But now, if I ground myself and remind myself that I am present, here and now, I can let go of the thoughts of the past.  Does it work all the time?  Noooooo!  But it’s getting better.  Do we want to hang on to those good memories?  Of course we do and we should. It’s the cruddy ones we need to let go of.

I was reminded of a quote by Alan Cohen (I really like what he has to say) “If you are living in the past, you are homeless in the now.”

My friend also said that she hadn’t received any post cards from the other side.  Me either and what a bummer!  But something tells me those folks are all way too busy bee-bopping around the universe to send out post cards.  I’d love to hear what you think about this.  Feel free to comment below.

Today’s photo is the last of my lilies.  I decided to leave the one that’s fading away in the vase simply for contrast. Namaste’


Woody’s Hotel From a Different Perspective

Hi Everyone!

Hope you all are having a great day and if it’s evening where you are, have a pleasant evening.  I just felt like saying that.  Besides Word Press, some of my readers come from Facebook and Twitter and I just want to say that I’m grateful for all of you.

Just had to have some fun shooting Woody’s Hotel again in the morning light.  There are quite a few woodpeckers who have made this sentinel of the desert their home and not one of them is paying any rent.  Squatters!  Oh, well, that mighty saguaro was here long before me and Darryl so I guess we’ll let her have her say in the matter.  It’s her body, after all.  And in my opinion, she’s very generous.  Nature is like that.  If we but look for an instant we can see and feel her generosity and she gives FREE LESSONS to us just by observing her.  Namaste’



While driving, I had to make a u-turn and found myself here. It’s an entrance to a gated community and I thought it was so lovely, so of course I whipped out the camera.  I like how the light was streaming slightly through the tree onto the flowers. Whoever lives behind those gates has a very picturesque pathway to use going to and from home.  I hope all your pathways in life are picture perfect.  Namaste’



You Have the Power to Take Away Someone’s Happiness …

“You have the power to take away someone’s happiness by refusing to forgive.  That someone is you.”  Alan Cohen said that and I believe it’s true.  It seems that a lot of “stuff” is coming up these days.  Stuff that needs to be cleared out, cleaned up, old baggage dumped … forgiven.  Part of any act of forgiveness is forgiving ourselves (as well as the other party) for whatever our part in the situation was.  Forgiveness is enlightening and empowering.

Today’s image is one of my Lilies of the World.  The bouquet is starting to wither but the blooms brought such loveliness and created some great photo ops.  On this one I used a combination of natural and incandescent light.  I’ve always enjoyed photographing flowers.  Blooms don’t blink 😉 and I’m grateful for that.  Namaste’