
It’s no secret that flowers can’t come into my home without being photographed. When my neighbors learned of my friend Linda’s passing, they sent over a beautiful bouquet and a lovely card. Hubby and I are blessed to know them and count them as friends, not merely neighbors.

Today’s image is of a singular bloom that started to wilt sooner than the others, so I trimmed it and placed it into this pottery piece, which has a water well with stiff wires that will make stems stand upright. I bought this piece at a street fair in Palm Springs when I was with my Happy Trails friends at one of our reunions. I’ll never forget it … it was 116 degrees that evening. But we went anyway. Yikes! We drank plenty of water (and margaritas) just to make it up and down that street. If I recall, we went into most of the stores too just for a few breaths of air conditioning.

Each time I look at this piece, I think of all of my friends and the fun we’ve always had together … no matter where we go or what we do. Namaste’


Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger

New Phone

I believe electronics are like cars … they’re designed by engineers and built so that we have to replace them every few years. Such is the case with my smartphone. It’s been dying a rather slow and painful death for a while now.

So I had to buy a new one. I really like it, especially the camera.

No, silly! I won’t give up on my DSLR’s but I am having fun with the phone. Now if I could just program it to cook breakfast 🙂

This image is one I took while at the Old Mill District in Bend the other day. Great coffee and artwork … a double winner! Namaste’


Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger

I Am So Grateful for You

Lately I haven’t had the time to catch up with all of you, my faithful readers and fellow bloggers. With the passing of my friend last Friday, I feel like I’ve been pulled through a knot-hole backwards. With that said, please know that I really value your friendships even though, in most cases, we’ve never met face-to-face.

When I started this blog, I had no idea that it would take me to places within and without. As the old saying goes “if you don’t go within, you go without.” Following your blog posts has allowed me to look within myself and that makes me a better contributor and a better person. You have made me a better photographer, too, but I still have a long way to go with that 🙂 I’ll keep going with it because I love it.

If you’re anything like me, you really enjoy blogging. It opens up new worlds for us that we might have never known. The friends I’ve made in the blogosphere, from Hawaii to Turkey to Holland, the UK and South Africa, as well as here in the U.S. have opened my eyes and affirmed that we are all linked together. You are all such good people with loving hearts. I cheer for you when I read that cool things happen and I empathize with you about the not-so-good stuff. And I know, really know that you feel the same for me. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. You’re the best! Namaste’


Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger


Black and White Challenge Day 5

I’m ending this black and white challenge with an image I took at Alcatraz. When I look at this, I think of all the inmates who spent their lives there and many died there. I thank God that I never made choices that would put me in a place like this.  Can you imagine looking out at the city of San Francisco and the Bay and not being able to enjoy it? Namaste’


Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger

Black and White Challenge Day 4

Our friend, Linda, went home today. Home with God. You can see how beautiful she was HERE. She was beautiful on the inside, too. Sometimes wildly funny, always a good sport, and always caring for others. I’m grateful for her presence and what she added to my life.

We all knew she was going to go, but leave it to Linda to be cooking dinner for her family just last night and then checking out this morning. Even though you know someone has a terminal illness, you just don’t know how bad it’s going to hurt until they’re actually gone.  Well, it hurts.

This photo is one I took many moons ago in Tucson.  Not the one I had planned for today, but it showed up and made me think of Linda … flag at half mast and the big hole in the cloud.  I’m smiling because I just pictured her scooting through that cloud, looking back at us with a grin on her face saying, “See ‘ya on the other side.”




Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger


Black and White Challenge – Day 3

Day 3 of the black and white challenge … keeping it short and sweet today.  Enjoy the roses (and remember to stop and smell them).  Namaste’

Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger

Please Sign The Petition To Stop Another Donkey Basketball, Lets Stop Teaching Our Children To Bully

Please follow your heart (and I know your hearts are good) to help stop this stupid activity.

Donkey Whisperer Farm ®

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Black and White Challenge – Day 2

Busy day today but feeling like I need to continue this challenge. Something I enjoy to the max. So here I am with the clock striking midnight in a few minutes with today’s contribution. I made it just under the wire 🙂

This is Jazz. My sis-in-law (the sister I’m not related to by birth but is just as important to me) is a dog sitter and takes care of this precious pooch from time to time.  He belongs to the daughter of the late, great Miles Davis, hence the name Jazz. He’s just as adorable in person as he is in this photo, which I shot several years ago. Namaste’


Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger


Black and White Challenge Day 1

I borrowed the black and white challenge from a fellow blogger who also lives in Central Oregon and this is my first installment of a week-long fulfillment.

Last November we had our first giant snowfall and this is what we saw when we opened the garage door after 2 1/2 days of the white stuff. Wonder what she was thinking after being born and raised in the desert?  Feel free to add your comments. Would love to hear what you think! Namaste’


Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger

It’s Raining Pine Cones

Having never lived in the Northwest before, I’m not quite used to dodging falling pine cones from our very tall Ponderosa Pines.  This little gem came raining down and nearly whacked me on the head.  So of course I had to photograph it. I wonder if I could sell these to my friends who live in Arizona. Now excuse me while I search for my umbrella. Namaste’


Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger