What Does That Mean Exactly?

At the end of my posts, I write a simple phrase – Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

It’s a simple reminder that we are all walking each other home. It’s about the journey and the souls we meet along the way. Nothing happens by chance. Everyone in our lives is there to be a lesson or a blessing. Some will be there briefly. Some will stay for a long time. Pay attention to the lesson or the blessing. We’re in this thing called Life together.

So what does Namaste’ mean exactly?  (Hint: it’s about love). 


Have a blessed and beautiful life, dear ones. Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

Tea Parties

As a little girl growing up in Kansas, I spent a lot of time with my grandparents. Looking back, I realize just how blessed I was to be able to have them in my life.

Grandpa was the kind of man that every Mother wants her daughter to marry. Kind, loving, strong and yet sensitive. We spent many evenings together on the front porch swing, just rocking and talking. Oh, how I miss his wisdom now.

For Christmas one year, Grandma and Grandpa gave me a china tea set. It had pink roses and I just loved it. Every day I would invite Grandpa to have “tea” with me and he always said yes. Our tea was actually orange juice, his favorite.

When I was taking the image of this rose today, memories of Grandpa having tea with me came flooding back. This is for you, Grandpa, with love.


Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

Goddess Gratitude


(I don’t know where I got this, but I found it in my archives, so to whoever wrote it, I am grateful). And so it is . . . 

From the Goddess of my being I give forth thanks.

For the love that I am, for the love in my life and the love that surrounds me, thank you.

Thank you for the miracle of life that I am and thank you for the miracle of life I see reflected all about me, thank you.

Thank you for the gift of life that I am, thank you.

Thank you for this perfect body, my health and well-being, thank you.

Thank you for the abundance that I am and thank you for the abundance I see reflected all about me, thank you.

Thank you for the riches and the richness of my life and thank you for the river of money which flows to me and through me, thank you.

Thank you for the excitement and adventure of the millions of wondrous possibilities and wondrous probabilities, thank you.

Thank you for the souls who are a part of my life, past, present and future, thank you.

Thank you for the wonderment and thank you for the joy, thank you.

Thank you for the beauty and harmony, thank you.

Thank you for the peace and tranquility, thank you.

Thank you for the laughter and thank you for the play, thank you.

And thank you for the privilege of serving and sharing the gift that I am, thank you.

Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!

(Be good to  yourself and each other. Namaste)



Throwback Thursday – It’s not supposed to be this hot here!!!! Going to reach 101 today and 104 tomorrow. Yeah, I know that there are some of you in hotter places than this, but this is Oregon.

August may normally hit the low 90’s for us here, but I left southern AZ a couple of years ago and now it feels like I’ve gone back … ugh!

For those of you experiencing hot, hot, hot, like we are here’s a nice glass of ice cold lemon water for you (with love).

I shot this image in Tucson while on my patio trying to cool off. After I publish this post, I’ll be getting a drink just like this. Stay cool out there!

Be good to yourself and others. Namaste’

Cooling Off

Cactus Ranch

My throw-back Thursday image is one that I really love. It makes me a little homesick for the desert and the Catalina Mountains I saw every day. I think I took them for granted. Sorry!

When I first got my Nikon camera, I played a lot with settings and this image is one that came out pretty good, I think. The sun was starting to set on the mountains and peering through the storm clouds that were gathering for a summer rain that evening.

We called this place the cactus ranch because it was eight acres of cactus; all shapes, sizes and varieties. But even cactus has it’s own beauty.

Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

Drac and Daisy

I’ve heard that a tsunami of love is enveloping our beautiful blue planet and all of its inhabitants. What does that mean exactly?

I’m not sure what it means for humans, although I’ve felt a greater peace about things recently than in the past.

So if this tsunami is true, then it explains the unlikely friendship that has developed between our dog, Daisy, and a neighbor’s cat. His name is Drac. (Could that be short for Dracula)? I’ve been meaning to ask his owner about that name.

Drac walks around the neighborhood like he owns it. I think he does.

When another of our neighbors, who isn’t really a cat person, walks to the mailbox, Drac sees her coming and gets in step with her all the way to the mailbox and back. She calls him her escort. So cute!

Drac loves Daisy and the feeling is mutual. They sniff each other, he nuzzles her, and then he follows us on our daily walk. It’s amazing to me how well they get along … I guess they’ve been hit by the tsunami. Animals know good energy when they’re around it. They know if the humans they encounter have good energy or not. Drac and Daisy get it … I’m taking my cues from them.

Drac.daisyBe good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

Succulent Horse

Yes, I know it’s been a while. I’ve been really busy with too many things to mention. Ugh!

This image is one I took the liberty of playing with. And you know me … I love to play! I used an image that I took of some succulent plants, applied a cartoon effect and used a horse overlay found in the BeFunky app. BeFunky is a very cool application for special effects on images. You can make collages, cards and all kinds of wonderful things.

I have the premium version ($24.95/yr) but you can do plenty of creative things in the free version. It’s also available as an Android app.

Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’


TBT – Twins

Hubby’s twin sister and her husband are coming to visit us next week. We’re all excited to see each other. It’s been too long and we always have a good time together.

This image is a collage I did for them five years ago, using pictures from an old family album. (Hubby even liked the bow tie and hat I put on him).

I had it framed for both of them, because I think it’s important to preserve family memories.

Carryl.Darryl.withhatsBe good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

Look Up

According to the stats provided by WordPress, this is my 666th post. I just didn’t want to put that number in as my title. Creepy – that whole 666 thing. Mark of the beast and all. Is it folklore? I don’t know, but I’m not taking any chances.

I came across this video posted by another blogger and I feel like it has so much merit. I, for one, am taking it to heart.

What that means for me is to unplug more. To get out with my camera more (not my phone). To go outside and have a chat with Mother Nature. To go outside and look at the sky. To just take it all in. To take a walk with my husband and my dog. To have lunch with my daughter. To have coffee with my son. To pick up the phone and call my family and friends.

Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’