TBT Bicycle Bones

I hardly ever do Throwback Thursday because I usually forget until Thursday is gone. I hate it when that happens 🙂

So today I decided to participate (because I remembered). Ha!  This image is one that I had always wanted to capture each time I drove by it.  I call it Bicycle Bones. The problem was that it’s on a very busy street in Tucson and I never was able to stop on that busy street.  So one day I decided to go into the cross street and wait for the traffic to whiz by long enough to make my break onto the road.  After waiting for a long time, I finally got my chance. I pulled out, rolled down the passenger window and took my shot, alternating between watching the rear view mirror for traffic and zooming out to get the image … call it multi-tasking. Sure was fun! I think my “photog” guardian angel had my back.  Namaste’


Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.

Ruby Slippers

Did you ever have a pair of ruby slippers?  Like the famed Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, I always wanted a pair like hers.  Never got them, so maybe that’s why I love red shoes.  Something about them just makes me feel good.02.24.15Red Shoes

I saw a darling little girl the other day with the most adorable pair of ruby red glittery slippers, straight out of the Wizard and I told her how much I liked them.  Her response, “My Grandma got them for me”, warmed my heart.  So today when I put on my favorite pair of red shoes, I thought of her.  I hope she lives an amazing life and has her own “Glinda.”


Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.


Maid Service

02.22.15.maidserviceThanks to my friend, Bonnie, for giving me this sign.  How many of us would like to have maid service??? I know I would.  And if I had one, I would make sure that he was treated with the utmost respect.  That’s right … no typo … I said “he.”

I would also make sure that he was paid very well. It’s no fun cleaning house, especially someone else’s. And if he didn’t want to wear shoes, like Agador Spartacus in The Birdcage, that wouldn’t be a problem for me at all.

I’ve seen that movie at least four times and I still laugh my butt off at the cast of characters, especially Robin Williams and Nathan Lane practicing the John Wayne walk.

So if you need a good laugh, rent the movie, and if you need a “me” break, give up housework for a while.  At least until you can give cutesy little names to the dust bunnies.  (I’ve already named a couple of mine … Lucy and Ethyl). Namaste’

Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.

Flashback Friday’s Fan

02.07.15.FanThis fan was given to my Mom while on a trip with my step-dad to the Panama Canal.  I listened attentively as she relayed the different events that took place.  Her long-term memory is still pretty good for some things.  Love you, Mom!  Namaste’

Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.


All I Got Was This T-Shirt

Hubby and I went in search of some waterfalls a while back and before we knew it, the weather turned to gray.  Soon came the rain but before we had to get back in the car (to avoid being drenched), I managed to get a couple of shots of Mr. & Mrs. Mallard.

Remember those t-shirts that read “my parents went to (fill in the blank) and all I got was this t-shirt?  Well, that’s how I felt. I wanted waterfalls but instead got ducks.  Oh well … enjoy! Namaste’

Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.




Pennies from Heaven

On my recent visit to Tucson, something happened that proves the Universe obliges us and that what we focus on expands.

My Mom lives in a residential care home and hates the food there so every day when I went to see her, I would stop at the grocery store to bring her some goodies.  She loves sweets and even though I know they’re not good for her, I brought them anyway. She’ll be 92 next month and I believe that she deserves to have anything that makes her happy.

One night while reading from Pam Grout’s book, E-Cubed, I decided to try one of the experiments. It’s called Pennies from Heaven and it goes like this: in the next 72 hours be aware of Pennies from Heaven. Most people discount pennies as seemingly worthless, but they represent abundance in its many forms.  So I set my intention to consciously put them on my radar.  The next day my Mom asked me bring her a Coke, among other things, from the store. When I reached into the cold case to grab the Coke, there was a penny just laying there.  I picked it up and let out a big “woo hoo!”  People stared but I didn’t care.  There was a Penny from Heaven!  Proof that the Universe obliged my intention.

After I had swiped my credit card to pay for the groceries, the clerk asked if I had a member card.  I said no, so he told me I could use his to get the discounts on the items I purchased.  OK, cool, I thought.  What happened next blew me away.  He gave me $10.20 back in cash. What???  I thanked him and put it in my pocket, still baffled by what had just happened.

Out in the parking lot I noticed there was a woman standing in front of my rental car smoking a cigarette. A homeless man walked up to her and asked if she had a cigarette he could have.  She told him she didn’t have one to spare.  So he asked her if she could spare some change because he was hungry.  She told him she couldn’t help him. Without even thinking, I blurted out “I can.”  I pulled out the $10 bill I had been given and gave it to him.  He looked me square in the eye and said, “God blesses you.”

I will never forget him or the events that took place in the space of just a few minutes … serendipity.  God put me in the right place at the right time.  A blessing for that man and me.  It wasn’t my job to know what he was going to do with the money.  But it was my job to share a blessing.  Both of us felt God’s grace.

I got in the car and looked skyward to say my thank you’s and saw the palm trees.  I love palm trees so I took this photo, knowing that every time I see a palm tree, I am grateful for my Pennies from Heaven experience.

But it didn’t stop there.  When I got back home from Tucson, I had coffee with my neighbor and was relating all of this to her.  As we were talking, I set my coffee cup down on the table, and there was a penny.  Wow!  Neither of us had seen it there when we first sat down. We were both speechless and just burst out laughing at the wonder of it all. And then when I got back to my house, as soon as I put down my purse and keys, the music station hubby and I usually listen to played … you guessed it  … Pennies from Heaven.  I kid you not.  Life is full of magic.  Go find it.  Namaste’


Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.


Aspen Eye

Looking out of my dining room window, I noticed for the first time the all-seeing “eye” on one of the Aspen trees.  Now that I know it’s there and watching me, I will probably have to have conversations with it.  Please don’t call the guys in the white coats just yet, OK?  I’ll let you know how I and the “eye” get along.  Namaste’

02.01.15AspenEyeRegina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.

I Didn’t Really Want to See That

While at the Reid Park Zoo in Tucson, I was trying to catch a good shot of the flamingos but ….

No, I don’t need a model release for this shot … hahaha! Namaste’

02.06.15PelicansRegina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.

Change of Plans

Well, well, well … it’s nice to be back into the blogosphere!  Seems like I’ve been gone a long time.  As for the change of plans, I’ve decided to forego the weekly photo challenge for this year.  Too much going on to commit to that.

Instead I’m going to post some of my all-time fav’s that you may or may not have ever seen.

And so … without further adieu … these two images are of a life-size sculpture here in Sisters. I decided to feature one of these at my gallery site.  Namaste’

01.2015HorseSigned 01.2015Horse1A

Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.