Throwback Thursday – Strength

In light of all the disasters that have taken place on our beautiful blue-green orb lately, I’m posting this image because to me it represents strength.

It’s been said (and I believe it) that what we focus on expands. Humanity has exhibited amazing strength in the aftermath of these disasters. Let’s continue to focus on that.

This image was taken when we lived in Sisters, OR and I was fascinated by the majesty and strength that the sculptor infused into his creation.


Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

Change of Plans

Well, well, well … it’s nice to be back into the blogosphere!  Seems like I’ve been gone a long time.  As for the change of plans, I’ve decided to forego the weekly photo challenge for this year.  Too much going on to commit to that.

Instead I’m going to post some of my all-time fav’s that you may or may not have ever seen.

And so … without further adieu … these two images are of a life-size sculpture here in Sisters. I decided to feature one of these at my gallery site.  Namaste’

01.2015HorseSigned 01.2015Horse1A

Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.