Off and Running

OK, gang, I’m off and running somewhere.  Can’t say where but will post pictures when I get back.  In the meantime, enjoy the moon that snuck up on me the other night from behind the storm clouds. I barely had time to run in the house for my camera, the clouds were moving so fast. I decided to make it my header for a while. 

You know me … I like to change it up now and then. Namaste’


Summer Storms

For those of my readers not familiar with southern Arizona, it’s typical this time of year to have what we call the “monsoons.”  Big thunderheads build up in the afternoons and can produce some wicked storms.

Sometimes they never materialize.  Like this shot of the clouds to our north.  Big clouds, no rain.  Oh, well.  (I took this with the Instagram app on my phone.)

We see them coming and always hope that they will be big “producers.”  I keep hoping, day after day.  Every little drop of rain is a gift in my book.  Namaste’



How do you feel about money?  Do you believe it’s a source of energy?  Do you believe there’s not enough?  Do you believe that only a certain percentage of the world’s population will ever be wealthy?  Do you want to be wealthy?  Do you believe you deserve to have lots of money?  Maybe you grew up like I did with people telling you that “money doesn’t grow on trees.”  Or “we can’t afford that.”  If you did, then money became that elusive substance reserved for “something special.”  Read on …

Have you ever heard of Happy Money?  (There’s a book written about this which is available at Amazon for 99 cents if you have a Kindle). 07.20.13.Happy Money

It’s the concept where you take any denomination of bills … ones, fives, twenties, etc., attach a sticky note with your handwritten blessing and leave the money and blessing somewhere so that someone can find your little package.

The theory that what you give out is what you get back is at play here.  The universe doesn’t like a vacuum, so the money, energy, love or whatever you give away from yourself creates an empty space for the universe to refill.  Some folks believe it comes back ten-fold, a hundred-fold, even a thousand-fold.

Try it.  Do whatever you can afford, even if it’s only a dollar.  Attach a handwritten blessing from your heart and leave it somewhere where someone else can find it.  But don’t hang around and watch to see who picks it up.  That’s not your job; leave THAT to the Universe.  The right person will get it.  And you will have something come to you in return.  Remember, abundance doesn’t always come in the form of money.  It could be anything, so keep your eyes and ears open.

Let me know how it goes for you  if you do it.  Namaste’

By the way, this is my 500th post since I started the Regina Chronicles.  Should I go for 1,000?

Alvin, is that you?

I imagine we all remember Alvin and the Chipmunks, right?  And Dave; who could forget Dave?  He was always screaming at Alvin.  Alvin was such a troublemaker.

This little guy came to visit and cool off his belly on the fireplace ledge in the back yard.  I snatched my camera and got these shots of him, but had to do it through the window.  Thank God my windows are clean … ha!  Namaste’

LazyChipmunk.jpg       TheBellyCoolOff.jpg

The Wizard

Back in the day when I was younger (ha!), I had a tribe of friends who all hung out together.  All of us were single parents just trying to make it.  We did just fine, especially when we banded together.

And then there was the wizard …

The wizard was a voice on the other end of a phone line (long before cell phones) who would give us sage advice.  We always had to go through one of our friends to talk to the wizard.  No exceptions.  None of us could get this friend to give up the wizard’s phone number.  It was such a fun game we played.  He made us laugh every time we talked to him.

As it turns out, the wizard was one of our circle of friends.  Funny how none of us put two and two together to figure out that he was always missing from the crowd when the wizard was available on the phone.  Hmmm … maybe we just wanted to believe in this magical, mystical creature; or maybe we just didn’t want the game to end.

This photo is of a pen that I bought at a street fair years ago and as soon as I saw it, knew I had to have it to commemorate the “wizard.”  Namaste’


My Blog is Pro-God

With all the hoopla about the atheists having their own monument next to the 10 Commandments, I just wanted to say something.  I really don’t care that there are all kinds of religions, all kinds of people who believe in God or not, or all kinds of people who are neutral.  In my book, it’s all OK.

We are all created by the same Creator and my personal belief is that is God.  And I also believe God gave all of us free will.  And, well, that’s what has gotten us into trouble sometimes.  And then other times, we have chosen to do the right thing, help one another, forgive, and share what we have.

So, in the spirit of all that, if you don’t believe in God, then you probably won’t want to watch this video.  Namaste’

The Dance

I just received this video from a friend and wanted to share it with all of you.  Thanks, Gini!  Hope you all enjoy it.  It’s one of those feel good videos and will make you want to dance.  (Hang in there for the first minute or so … it’s not about ballet).  Namaste’

Old Glory

Independence Day.  We celebrate July 4th each year in honor of our Declaration of Independence created 237 years ago, and personally I pray that no more of our civil liberties are infringed upon.

Happy Birthday, America!  I hope all of you and your loved ones enjoy a safe and happy holiday.  Be safe with your fireworks.  Namaste’
