The Dance

I just received this video from a friend and wanted to share it with all of you.  Thanks, Gini!  Hope you all enjoy it.  It’s one of those feel good videos and will make you want to dance.  (Hang in there for the first minute or so … it’s not about ballet).  Namaste’

Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

8 thoughts on “The Dance”

  1. OH….MY….GOSH……………I DIDN’T WANT IT TO END! It gave me chills and I JUST ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! I love this kind of thing….it just totally expressed the joy I feel sometimes when the thrill of living just fills me up. You made my day!!!!!!!


      1. I just loved it! Thanks for letting me have that feeling today…I even bought the song on iTunes so that I can play it when I’m driving!


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