Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all my friends and followers.  I hope it’s your best ever, filled to overflowing with love, peace, joy and prosperity.

Please enjoy this timely video, Time Passages, from one of my favorite artists, Al Stewart.  The graphic is lovely, taking us to a warmer place this time of year. Namaste’

Let It Snow

Hubby went downtown the day after Christmas and bought this really cool decoration that I put on the fireplace mantle …

12.28.14.LetItSnowAnd then this happened this morning …

12.28.14.SnowfallOops! Where were you, snow, when we were wishing for a white Christmas?

A couple of years ago I did the 365 project where I posted a photo a day on this blog.  Well … for 2015 I’ve decided to take on the 52-week challenge, so it looks like I’ll be posting a new photo once a week with my (sometimes crazy) narrative in accompaniment.  Stay tuned and thanks for following my blog.  I always look forward to your likes and comments.  Namaste’

Regina (Gina) Arnold is the author of Uncomplicated Ways to Find Your Financial Freedom, a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.

My Christmas Card to You

I am so looking forward to Christmas this year because it will be the first time in many moons that I get to be with both of my children at the same time.  Yes, they’re grown adults now but the feeling is magical.  I am so blessed!

And I am also blessed to have a wonderful, loving husband who is so much fun to be around and takes such good care of me and Daisy.  Right now he’s outside splitting wood, using the hydraulic wood splitter for the first time.  Our really cool neighbor came over this morning to help out, so we’ll have to think of something to repay him for all of his help.  I even got into the act and stacked as much as I could in the garage, but there’s a lot more to go.  What a job!

I truly hope that you, my faithful readers, all have a magical Christmas and a prosperous, healthy and joyful new year.  Thanks for reading my blog.  I’ll be back after the holidays.  Much love.  Namaste’

12.21.14.poinsettiaRegina (Gina) Arnold is the author of Uncomplicated Ways to Find Your Financial Freedom, a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.

A Simple Wish

This day 43 years ago, I gave birth to my beautiful redhead.  Her father and I raced through Christmas shopper traffic to make it to the hospital on time.  We only had about an hour to spare before she made her grand entrance.  We came home from the hospital on Christmas Eve with our new little gift, all wrapped up in a Christmas stocking, courtesy of the Ladies Aid Society at the hospital.

As a little girl, she was teased about her red hair and freckles.  People even asked me if I dyed her hair.  What????

As each year passes, I realize how blessed I am and how I wouldn’t change anything about her or me and our relationship.

My simple wish for her is that every day, every moment of her life from here on out is filled with joy, peace, wonderful health, abundance, and all the love she so richly deserves.

Happy Birthday, Michele!  You are such a treasure and worth every labor pain I had 🙂



Blending In

For years I’ve been rather dismayed by the commercialism of the Christmas season.  I mean, the lights in the neighborhoods are beautiful, the choirs give me goose bumps (sometimes), and it’s pretty wonderful to be with family and friends.

But the whole gift buying frenzy has gotten way out of hand in my opinion.  We are bombarded with non-stop ads for the latest, greatest electronic gadget, which many families will go into credit card debt to buy for someone on their gift list.  That’s crazy!

How many teenagers will spend a lot of time on Christmas texting their friends instead of being “present” with their families? But I can’t just pick on teenagers.  Many adults are just as guilty.  So sad.

Sharing this photo with you gives me pleasure.  And it was a pleasure taking it because I got to be up close and personal with this buck and doe.  They were heading over to the neighbor’s back lot when I called to them and I was pleasantly surprised when they looked over to see where my voice was coming from.  The buck looks a little strange because as he looked over his shoulder, I snapped the image.  Looks like his head is sitting on his behind.  Ha!

Were they trying to blend in?  I hope so because there are predators, two-legged and four-legged that would like to do them harm.  Namaste’


Regina (Gina) Arnold is the author of Uncomplicated Ways to Find Your Financial Freedom, a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.

Snow? Time to Go!

Today’s image is of our patio table, which now has another layer of snow.  It wasn’t bad enough that we had 2 1/2 feet of it a couple of weeks ago, but then this showed up yesterday.  Just when the accumulation had melted!  (Studded snow tires make all the difference, though). Oh, well, I keep telling myself that winter won’t last forever.

I thought the texture that the snow produced on the table was kind of cool.  See? … a silver lining in every cloud.  Namaste’


Regina (Gina) Arnold is the author of Uncomplicated Ways to Find Your Financial Freedom, a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.