
How do you feel about money?  Do you believe it’s a source of energy?  Do you believe there’s not enough?  Do you believe that only a certain percentage of the world’s population will ever be wealthy?  Do you want to be wealthy?  Do you believe you deserve to have lots of money?  Maybe you grew up like I did with people telling you that “money doesn’t grow on trees.”  Or “we can’t afford that.”  If you did, then money became that elusive substance reserved for “something special.”  Read on …

Have you ever heard of Happy Money?  (There’s a book written about this which is available at Amazon for 99 cents if you have a Kindle). 07.20.13.Happy Money

It’s the concept where you take any denomination of bills … ones, fives, twenties, etc., attach a sticky note with your handwritten blessing and leave the money and blessing somewhere so that someone can find your little package.

The theory that what you give out is what you get back is at play here.  The universe doesn’t like a vacuum, so the money, energy, love or whatever you give away from yourself creates an empty space for the universe to refill.  Some folks believe it comes back ten-fold, a hundred-fold, even a thousand-fold.

Try it.  Do whatever you can afford, even if it’s only a dollar.  Attach a handwritten blessing from your heart and leave it somewhere where someone else can find it.  But don’t hang around and watch to see who picks it up.  That’s not your job; leave THAT to the Universe.  The right person will get it.  And you will have something come to you in return.  Remember, abundance doesn’t always come in the form of money.  It could be anything, so keep your eyes and ears open.

Let me know how it goes for you  if you do it.  Namaste’

By the way, this is my 500th post since I started the Regina Chronicles.  Should I go for 1,000?

Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

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