
I’ve taken some of my images and played today. Included in this collage is my granddaughter sipping on some Hawaiian ice in Honolulu, a flower from my garden in memory of those killed in the 9-11 attacks, an old Chevy truck on Alcatraz in San Franciso, our dog Foxy, who went to the Rainbow Bridge in 2013, and Daisy sniffing my tulip arrangement. 

Say a prayer today for the loved ones of the 9-11 victims, whose lives were inflicted with unfathomable pain. Hug every member of your family and remind them how much you love them. 

Be good to yourself and each other. Namaste’


Drac and Daisy

I’ve heard that a tsunami of love is enveloping our beautiful blue planet and all of its inhabitants. What does that mean exactly?

I’m not sure what it means for humans, although I’ve felt a greater peace about things recently than in the past.

So if this tsunami is true, then it explains the unlikely friendship that has developed between our dog, Daisy, and a neighbor’s cat. His name is Drac. (Could that be short for Dracula)? I’ve been meaning to ask his owner about that name.

Drac walks around the neighborhood like he owns it. I think he does.

When another of our neighbors, who isn’t really a cat person, walks to the mailbox, Drac sees her coming and gets in step with her all the way to the mailbox and back. She calls him her escort. So cute!

Drac loves Daisy and the feeling is mutual. They sniff each other, he nuzzles her, and then he follows us on our daily walk. It’s amazing to me how well they get along … I guess they’ve been hit by the tsunami. Animals know good energy when they’re around it. They know if the humans they encounter have good energy or not. Drac and Daisy get it … I’m taking my cues from them.

Drac.daisyBe good to yourself and each other. Namaste’

Before the Rain

Hello, beach fans! This image was taken right before the rain was rolling in. My daughter and my dog were frolicking on the beach at Pacific City, Oregon. I just love that place. I plan to spend much more time there with my “girls”


Sunset at Pacific City
Sunset at Pacific City

Regina (Reggie) is a flunked retirement entrepreneur, co-author of the Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger.

New Phone

I believe electronics are like cars … they’re designed by engineers and built so that we have to replace them every few years. Such is the case with my smartphone. It’s been dying a rather slow and painful death for a while now.

So I had to buy a new one. I really like it, especially the camera.

No, silly! I won’t give up on my DSLR’s but I am having fun with the phone. Now if I could just program it to cook breakfast 🙂

This image is one I took while at the Old Mill District in Bend the other day. Great coffee and artwork … a double winner! Namaste’


Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger

Black and White Challenge Day 1

I borrowed the black and white challenge from a fellow blogger who also lives in Central Oregon and this is my first installment of a week-long fulfillment.

Last November we had our first giant snowfall and this is what we saw when we opened the garage door after 2 1/2 days of the white stuff. Wonder what she was thinking after being born and raised in the desert?  Feel free to add your comments. Would love to hear what you think! Namaste’


Regina (Reggie) Arnold is a “flunked retirement” entrepreneur, co-author of The Art & Science of Recruiting, an award-winning photographic artist, and photo blogger

Canines and One Feline Cooling Off

Seeing as how lots of us in the western U.S. are sweltering right now, I thought I’d post this really “cool” video of a happy pack of dogs and one cat cooling off at the beach in Australia.  And they’re all doing it to the hit song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams.  Best version I’ve ever seen!  And thanks, Leslie, for sending it.  Enjoy and Namaste’

Daily Prayer of Gratitude

Many years ago, when we first moved to the Old Pueblo, we went out to breakfast and I spied one of those free papers that hang out in front of a lot of restaurants.  It was called the Awareness Journal; a small publication, chock full of really cool articles and ads.  And, if you haven’t guessed by now, I’m an avid reader of things metaphysical.

The publisher of the Awareness Journal had a dog.  He was a black Lab and had his own “corner” where he did his “dog speak” … an article written from a dog’s perspective.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and so did our dog, Jingles.  (I read her the article each time it came out.)  It was so much fun, and I was sad when the paper shut down.

But there was one thing a contributing writer wrote that I cut out and memorized because I thought it was perfect.  Below today’s picture is A Daily Prayer of Gratitude.  Maybe you’ll find it to be a good way of expressing your own gratitude.

The image below is one of a flowering plant that’s on the patio where we moved my Mom.  She seems to be doing well there.  It’s an adjustment for her, being in a residential care home, but she’s such a trooper.  Love you, Mom!  Namaste’


Thank you, dear Creator, for this, another day of life.  Thank you for my abundant supply and for that of my family, my friends, and for all beings of all planes, dimensions and realities.  Thank you for leading us to the places that we shall go, the work that we shall do and even the dwellings we shall reside in.  Thank you for knowledge, courage, the love of the light, and the wisdom to use it wisely with our brothers and sisters.  You are my shepherd; I shall not want.  I love you, dear Creator.



It’s been a while since I’ve been here due to lots of weird circumstances with health, family members, etc.  Like I said in a FB post, it seems that the Universe is dishing out some shenanigans lately. So it’s good to be back.  I’ve missed all my blogger friends and followers.

I know I’ve posted some dog pics lately.  But you know me … I love these furry kids.  So here’s another one … meet Boots.  He is such a cutie pie and full of energy.  Only two years old, so Daisy thinks our household has been invaded by some crazy ninja canine.

He is one of my first dog-sitting clients.  He’ll be back in April for a few more days so Daisy will have some rest in the meantime.

His dog mom says he’s a mix of Chihuahua and Labrador Retriever.  Huh?  I just don’t want to picture how that happened. Namaste’


Meet Gunner

It’s no secret that I’m a dog lover.  I’ve been meaning to post this photo I took when we visited hubby’s sister in Nevada.  She and I went to the dog park in Henderson with Daisy, of course.  And there I met Gunner; an incredibly sweet Golden Retriever.  He had just rolled in the dry grass and was feeling pretty content with himself.  And what Golden Retriever doesn’t love their ball?  I think he is so cute!

Gunner reminds me so much of our Goldie, who went to the Rainbow Bridge several years ago.  She was a Golden-Duck Toller Retriever mix and such a sweetheart.  We rescued her from the Golden Rescue in Phoenix.  She didn’t trust humans very much when we first got her, but with love and patience, we managed to sneak into her heart when she wasn’t looking.  She loved to swim, so our pool became her pool and the rest is history.

Goldie Girl, wherever you are … meet Gunner.  You could be twins 🙂  Namaste’


The Case of the Missing Orange Ball

Our Daisy loves this ball and we just can’t seem to find it anywhere.  Do you think that Foxy, who has gone to the Rainbow Bridge, has come back and snatched it?  Who knows?  Maybe we’ll find it when we least expect it.

But I know one thing … Daisy wants it back!  Right now!

Happy Saturday.  Namaste’
