A New Star in the Night Sky

Part of the grief process for me is writing, so I am posting this today for my own catharsis.

When my brother passed away a few years ago, it just so happened that five of my closest friends were with me at my home for our annual reunion.  I was surrounded by so much love, it’s hard to describe.  So I’ll just say that it was very powerful.  I truly believe that he waited to pass until they all arrived.  One of them took me outside that night, just her and me. She pointed to a star in the sky and told me that it was him, shimmering up there to let me know he was alright now.

As of early this morning there is a new star in the sky.  His youngest daughter, Lisa, passed away, making her transition to the spiritual realms.  Now she is with both of her dads … her heavenly father and her earthly one.  No more pain or suffering for her.  Only for those she left behind.  My heart goes out to her mother and her two brothers and sister.

She will be ever so missed, but I will look up tonight into the night sky and I KNOW I will find two stars very close together, winking down at me, letting me know that they are both safe and happy.  Namaste’


Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

6 thoughts on “A New Star in the Night Sky”

  1. Gina it’s hard for me to put into words, how sorry I am. but the way you word things is so beautiful , and inspiring. We both know that they are in a better place, but it still makes us sad. You are so brave Gina, I admire you so much, I*’ve always said you are my role model.


  2. This is terrible news, always so sad when some one passes, my condolences to the whole family… but they are up there watching over the family… such sad news… Sterkte, as we say in Afrikaans….


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