Bloomin’ Barrels

First of all, let me say thank you to all of you wonderful people out there who have given me such words of encouragement, especially from yesterday’s post.  And second, let me also say that I’ve not been keeping up with all of you in terms of reading your posts, but I do plan to catch up.  I enjoy reading them and seeing your photos so much.  Dear Nia, there’s no way I can keep up with you 🙂

Today’s photos are from our yard.  The barrel cactus are blooming again and the strange thing is that they’re blooming in different colors.  I truly don’t remember them being this color last season.  Normally they are a pale yellow, but I could be going crazy … again!  Or this is Mother Nature’s way of thumping me on the head and saying “pay attention, Missy!”  Namaste’

Did a little editing on this one with a black & white background
Look – but touch at your own peril


Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

7 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Barrels”

  1. You are so nice dear Regina, and I love your beautiful and graceful touches into the words and also through your amazing photographs. Thank you dear, there is no problem for me, I am a crazy one it is early morning in here and I have sleeping problem and I sleep during day… 🙂 And also I am very fast on writing too… I can’t catch myself too 🙂 Have a nice day, love, nia


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