Officially Finished

No I don’t mean the blog.  I have until December 31 for that.  What I mean is that our Christmas decorating is officially finished.  Hubby did a fabulous job on the outside and we put up a tree this year … first time in a long time.  Thirty days until Christmas.  Sure seems to be speeding by … or is it just me?

Hope your conclusion to the holiday weekend was a good one.  Someone asked me if I was going to shop the Black Friday sales.  My response was that I’d rather have a root canal.  Namaste’

Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

10 thoughts on “Officially Finished”

  1. Lovely to hear there is a Christmas tree, when ours goes up it is a signal to me that Christmas is on its way… the problem is it just feels like yesterday that I put away all the decorations and now I must get them out again… they say time speeds up as one gets older… well in my case now I am getting frightened at the speed at which it is passing…


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