Number 440

Wow! I just haven’t looked at my blog stats lately.  But today is my 440th post.  Shezam!  When I started the 366 project at the beginning of 2012, I knew it would add up quickly.  And it sure did.  Seems that time is flying by. I didn’t realize how many posts I had done before last year either. So right now I’m reaching around to pat myself on the back 🙂

I was without my computer for a couple of days and it felt weird.  But the repair guy assures me that all is well and my hard drive is NOT dying.  Ha!  I think I’ll still find a way to back up all my photos.  I’d love to hear from you guys what you use to back up your files and photos.  I’m certainly open to suggestions.

Today’s pic is another from our visit to Tubac.  It’s a wall sculpture that I found to be particularly unique.  Namaste’


Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

7 thoughts on “Number 440”

  1. I back up to an external drive every now and then… probably not as often as I should .. but there you have it,,, should do it daily.. but I do have 2 hard drives that back up between themselves… just hope they don’t both die on me…


  2. Great photo,
    You should be patting yourself on the back. How would we all live without your blog????? I am of no help in transferring you pics to anywhere. I a computer illiterate and only use stone tools.

    Love from Ojai


  3. Well, I use a back up driver for my images since I have over 55, 000! Yup, I know. I bough it at best buy the brand is ” Rocket Fish” it’s been amazing for me. It hooks up to the computer and all your images are inside that cool looking metal box!


    1. Holy Guacamole! And I thought I had a lot of photos. I have a Rocket Fish 16 GB flash drive that I’m using right now. Works well so far. Thanks for the tip, Laz. Pretty soon I need to graduate to an external “cool looking metal box.” Namaste’ my friend.


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