Leaving My Mark

How many times have we heard a saying that stuck with us for a long, long time?  Some of my favorites are:

  • Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results ~ Einstein
  • You must be the change you want to see in the world ~ Gandhi
  • The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco ~ Mark Twain
  • Come to the edge, he said. They said, we are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They said, we are afraid. They came. He pushed them … and they flew. ~ Anonymous
  • What you think of me is none of my business ~ ?????
  • I want to go through life leaving my mark, but never leaving a scar. ~ Anonymous

Today’s photo reminded me of the last quote. As I was making the bed, I noticed my hand print on the blanket. So I smoothed it out, put both my hands on it, made my mark and then crazy me took a picture of it 🙂 Enough said.  Namaste’

Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

7 thoughts on “Leaving My Mark”

  1. What are we going to do with you my friend? You are constantly coming up with creative ways of expressing yourself Hands Down.


  2. Now this is a first for me.. would not have seen it or thought to capture it… it shows a creative, observant and watchful mind… but above all else it makes others smile (me included) I think this is a wonderful way for me to start my day.. thank you… (creative juices flowing)


    1. My pleasure and many thanks, Rob. Since I started this 366 project, I think I see the world differently. I can’t drive down the street anymore and NOT look for something to shoot. I could be a traffic hazard if I’m not careful. As always, I appreciate your comments. Can’t wait to see what YOU do next 🙂


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