The Reluctant Blogger

Yep, that’s me!  (No, not really).  By now you all know I’m not reluctant about blogging.  I’ve just been really busy getting Mom prepared to move to a smaller place.  She will be 90 next week so it’s a little hard for her to comprehend that she needs to down-size now that Bud has passed.  Hubby and I will go over there tomorrow to move some of the boxes from the old unit to the new one.  The movers will be there on Thursday.  Let the fun begin!  Ugh!

I’m just grateful that the retirement community she’s in had a one-bedroom available.  Those places make a LOT OF MONEY on our senior citizens.  If I told you how much they were overcharging her while Bud was in the rehab center it would curl your hair!  I had a little meeting with the general manager yesterday … hmmm.  A credit will be given.

But on to better things.  We know that Buddy is in a good place so now we have to take care of Mom.  I’ll be busy for the next few days but plan to be back in full swing next week.  Yeah, Yeah, I know … we’ve all heard that before, right?  But you know what John Lennon said … “life is what happens when we’ve made other plans.”  Namaste”

Today’s photo is one from when hubby and I went to the nursery.  I love the stone statues.


Author: Regina

Passionate about writing, photography, and helping others who are in the grieving process.

4 thoughts on “The Reluctant Blogger”

  1. That’s tough to do. My rent a mom is moving to a community as well, she is 87 and lamenting about what to take with her and what to let go, it’s hard. Good luck, hopefully she will make some new friends and enjoy her time there.


    1. Doing my best but I sure miss photography. I had to resort to a phone shot last night of a mosquito eater on my bathroom mirror. Will post it later 🙂 Your blog sure lifts my spirits even though I don’t always get the time to comment. Thanks, dear one.


      1. I’m glad that it lifts your spirits….I’ve hit a real slump…put the tripod away today and packed up the camera….I’ll post some images I’ve already taken, but after that…we’ll see.


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